

Department of Business English
The Department is responsible for arrangement and administration of affairs concerning the enrollment, cultivation, employment, and alumni networking of Business-English-major undergraduate students of the Faculty of International Studies.
The enrollment of English undergraduates (specialized in economics and trade) dates back to 1994. In 2010, Department of Business English was set up and began to enroll undergraduate students majoring in Business English. Business English undergraduate program is recognized as a national first-class undergraduate program, ranking among the top. The Faculty is currently the vice-chairman unit and the southwest contact of The Committee of International Business English Studies, China Association of International Trade. It is also the chairman unit of the Sichuan Business English College Council Alliance.
The Department boasts a strong faculty with a multilingual team of Chinese and foreign teachers, operating five course groups: Business English, Business Practice, Business Communication, Business Interpretation and Translation, and Dual Second Foreign Language. The Business English major is ranked among the top in China, and the faculty members have a hybrid background of "English + Business". The program is committed to cultivating talents with integrated English humanities literacy and business practice competence, forming a synergized training model at the interface between English and business disciplines, and highlighting interdisciplinary and professional characteristics. Our graduates have a wide range of career choices, and a large proportion of them would pursue further study in prestigious universities at home and abroad.
Director: XIE Juan
Email: xiejuan@swufe.edu.cn

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